Fraudulent Job Offers / Recruitment Warning

Attention: Stellantis India Job Aspirants & Applicants

There have been an increasing number of ‘fake job’ reports wherein fraudsters have reached out to unsuspecting job aspirants and made fake job offers in the name of Stellantis India. This is an instance of identity theft and ‘reputation damage’.

We would like to inform that Stellantis does not resort to such means of recruitment. Any job offers made in the name of Stellantis on the condition that the candidate makes a payment to a specified bank account or in cash should be construed as ‘Fake Offers’. Stellantis will not be liable for any kind of loss incurred or damage suffered as a result of individuals dealing with such corrupt entities. Please note that Stellantis does not charge any fee or collect any deposit from candidates for any jobs.

We urge all candidates who are approached by third parties demanding a payment to a specified bank account or cash payments for jobs at Stellantis to immediately report the matter to us at and to the local law enforcement authorities.

Follow these precautions and stay safe –

  • If the email / Offer Letter originates from a public or free domain and not from the authorized domain, it is fake
  • We do not ask prospective job applicants to deposit cash in any form in any bank accounts
  • We never issue offer letters on WhatsApp or any social networking sites
  • We do not ask for money in exchange for guaranteed employment, there is no charge for any training purposes
  • If the contact person asks for personal details such as bank account, credit card number etc., do not trust and do not share the detail
  • If the email / Offer Letter begins with "Dear Sir" or "Dear User", the sender of the email does not know you by name. A legitimate source will address you with a proper salutation, which contains your name
  • If the email/ Offer Letter contains several grammatical errors in the text. This would usually not happen in an email from a legitimate company
  • Do not trust calls from telephone numbers or just the mail ID of the company because these can be generated by unethical means

If you receive any suspicious or fraudulent offers, write to us at: with full details of the case, and “FAKE HIRING” as the subject line; and
Immediately inform the local law enforcement authorities.